Page 26 - 09 The Seventy Weeks
P. 26


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                           Chapter 9 – The Seventy Weeks
                   We have seen that Daniel, at the close of that

               chapter, says that he did not understand the

               vision.  Some  portions  of  that  vision  were  at

               the  time very  clearly explained. It could not

               have  been  these  portions  which  he  did  not

               understand. We therefore inquire what it was

               which Daniel did not understand, or, in other

               words, what part of the vision was there left

               unexplained.  In  that  vision  four  prominent

               things are brought to view: (1) The Ram; (2)

               The  He-goat;  (3)  The  Little  Horn;  (4)  The

               period of the 2300 days. The symbols of the

               ram,  the  he-goat,  and  the  little  horn  were

               explained.  Nothing,  however,  was  said

               respecting the time. This must therefore have

               been the point which he did not understand;

               and as without this the other portions of the

               vision  were  of  no  avail,  he  could  well  say,

               while the application of this period was left in
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