Page 22 - 09 The Seventy Weeks
P. 22
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 9 – The Seventy Weeks
The considerations already presented are
sufficient to show conclusively the connection
between chapters 8 and 9; but this will still
further appear in subsequent verses.
One expression seems worthy of notice before
we leave verse 23. It is the declaration of the
angel to Daniel, “For thou art greatly beloved.”
The angel brought this declaration direct from
the courts of heaven. It expressed the state of
feeling that existed there in regard to Daniel.
Think of celestial beings, the highest in the
universe, — the Father, the Son, the holy
angels, — having such regard and esteem for
a mortal man here upon earth as to authorize
an angel to bear the message to him that he is
greatly beloved! This is one of the highest
pinnacles of glory to which mortals can attain.
Abraham reached another, when it could be