Page 27 - 09 The Seventy Weeks
P. 27


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                           Chapter 9 – The Seventy Weeks
                   obscurity,  that  he  did  not  understand  the


               If this view of the subject is correct, we should

               naturally  expect,  when  the  angel  completed

               his  explanation  of  the  vision,  that  he  would

               commence  with  the  very  point  which  had

               been omitted; namely, the time. And this we

               find  to  be  true  in  fact.  After  citing  Daniel’s

               attention back to the former vision in the most

               direct  and  emphatic  manner,  and  assuring

               him that he had now come forth to give him

               understanding in the matter, he commences

               upon the very point there omitted, and says,

               “Seventy  weeks  are  determined  upon  thy

               people and upon thy holy city.”

               But  how  does  this  language  show  any

               connection with the 2300 days, or throw any

               light  upon  that  period?  We  answer:  The
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