Page 32 - 09 The Seventy Weeks
P. 32


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                           Chapter 9 – The Seventy Weeks
                   seen, the construction, the context, and the

               connection  require  the  literal  meaning,  and

               render any other inadmissible.

               Seventy weeks, then, or 490 days of the 2300,

               were  cut  off  upon,  or  allotted  to,  Jerusalem

               and the Jews; and the events which were to be

               consummated  within  that  period  are  briefly

               stated. The transgression was to be finished;

               that is, the Jewish people were to fill up the

               cup  of  their  iniquity,  which  they  did  in  the

               rejection and crucifixion of Christ. An end of

               sins, or of sin-offerings, was to be made. This

               took place when the great offering was made

               on Calvary. Reconciliation for iniquity was to

               be provided. This was made by the sacrificial

               death  of  the  Son  of  God.  Everlasting

               righteousness  was  to  be  brought  in;  the

               righteousness which our Lord manifested in
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