Page 36 - 09 The Seventy Weeks
P. 36


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                           Chapter 9 – The Seventy Weeks
                   work, ‘to seal up.’ To talk of its sealing up

               itself is as much of an absurdity as to suppose

               that  Josephus  was  so  much  afraid  of  the

               Romans  that  he  refrained  from  telling  the

               world that he thought the fourth kingdom of

               Daniel was ‘the kingdom of the Greeks.’ It is no

               more proper to say that the ninth chapter of

               Daniel ‘is complete in itself,’ than it would be

               to say that a map which was designed to show

               the  relation  of  Massachusetts  to  the  United

               States, referred to nothing but Massachusetts.

               It is no more complete in itself than a bond

               given  in  security  for  a  note,  or  some  other

               document  to  which  it  refers,  is  complete  in

               itself; and we doubt if there is a schoolboy of

               fourteen  years  in  the  land,  of  ordinary

               capacity, who would not, on reading the ninth

               chapter, with an understanding of the clause

               before us, decide that it referred to something
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