Page 33 - 09 The Seventy Weeks
P. 33


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                           Chapter 9 – The Seventy Weeks
                   his sinless life. The vision and the prophecy

               were  to  be  sealed  up,  or  made  sure.  By  the

               events  given  to  transpire  in  the  seventy

               weeks,  the  prophecy  is  tested.  By  this  the

               application of the whole vision is determined.

               If  the  events  of  this  period  are  accurately

               fulfilled, the prophecy is of God, and will all be

               accomplished; and if these seventy weeks are

               fulfilled as weeks  of years, then the 2300 days,

               of which these are a part, are so many years.

               Thus the events of the seventy weeks furnish

               a key to the whole vision. And the “most holy”

               was  to  be  anointed;  the  most  holy  of  the

               heavenly sanctuary. In the examination of the

               sanctuary, on chapter 8:14, we saw that a time

               came when the earthly sanctuary gave place

               to the heavenly, and the priestly ministration

               was  transferred  to  that.  Before  the

               ministration in the sanctuary commenced, the
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