Page 30 - 09 The Seventy Weeks
P. 30


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                           Chapter 9 – The Seventy Weeks
                   the Vatican copy of the Septuagint, as being

               the  most  faithful),  it  is  rendered  by

               συνετμήθησαν (sunetmethesan), were cut off;

               and  in  the  Venetian  copy  by  τέτμηνται

               (tetmentai),  have  been  cut.”  The  idea  of

               cutting off is preserved in the Vulgate, where

               the  phrase  is  “abbreviatae  sunt,”  are


               “Thus Chaldaic and Rabbinical authority, and

               that  of  the  earliest  versions,  the  Septuagint

               and  Vulgate,  give  the  single  signification  of

               cutting off, to this verb.”

               “Hengstenberg,  who  enters  into  a  critical

               examination of the original text, says: ‘But the

               very  use  of  the  word,  which  does  not

               elsewhere  occur,  while  others  much  more

               frequently  used,  were  at  hand  if  Daniel  had

               wished to express the idea of determination,
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