Page 16 - 09 The Seventy Weeks
P. 16
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 9 – The Seventy Weeks
particulars which show this to he the vision
referred to. 1. Gabriel is there first brought to
view by name in the book, and the only time
previous to this occasion. 2. He was
commanded to make Daniel understand the
vision. 3. Daniel, at the conclusion, says he did
not understand it, showing that Gabriel, at the
conclusion of chapter 8, had not fulfilled his
mission. There is no place in all the Bible
where this instruction is carried out, if it be
not in chapter 9. If, therefore, the vision of
chapter 8 is not the one referred to, we have
no record that Gabriel ever complied with the
instructions given him, or that that vision has
ever been explained. 5. The instruction which
the angel now gives to Daniel, as we shall see
from the following verses, does exactly
complete what was lacking in chapter 8. These
considerations prove beyond a doubt the