Page 42 - 09 The Seventy Weeks
P. 42
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 9 – The Seventy Weeks
termination of this division, sixty-nine
weeks from the beginning, we are to see,
thirdly, the manifestation before the world of
the Messiah the Prince. One week more is
given us, completing the seventy. Fourthly, in
the midst of this week the Messiah is to be cut
off, and to cause the sacrifice and oblation to
cease; and, fifthly, when the last week of that
period which was allotted to the Jews as the
time during which they were to be the special
people of God expires, we naturally look for
the going forth of the blessing and work of God
to other people.
We now inquire for the initial date which will
harmonize with all these particulars. The
command respecting Jerusalem was to
include more than mere building. There was
to be restoration; and by this we must