Page 43 - 09 The Seventy Weeks
P. 43


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                           Chapter 9 – The Seventy Weeks
                   understand all the forms and regulations of

               civil, political, and judicial society. When did

               such a command go forth? At the time these

               words were spoken to Daniel, Jerusalem lay in

               complete and utter desolation, and had thus

               been lying for seventy years. The restoration,

               pointed  to  in  the  future,  must  be  its

               restoration  from  this  desolation.  We  then

               inquire,  When  and  how  was  Jerusalem

               restored after the seventy years’ captivity?

               There are but four events which can be taken

               as answering to the commandment to restore

               and build Jerusalem. These are, (1) The decree

               of Cyrus for the rebuilding of the house of God,

               B. C. 536 (Ezra 1:1-4); (2) The decree of Darius

               for the prosecution of that work, which had

               been hindered, B. C. 519 (Ezra 6:1-12); (3) The

               decree of Artaxerxes to Ezra, B. C. 457 (Ezra
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