Page 45 - 09 The Seventy Weeks
P. 45
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 9 – The Seventy Weeks
the prophecy; and thus failing in every
respect, they cannot be brought into the
controversy as marking the point from which
the seventy weeks are to date. The only
question now lies between the decrees which
were granted to Ezra and to Nehemiah
The facts between which we are to decide here
are briefly these: In 457 B. C., a decree was
granted to Ezra by the Persian emperor
Artaxerxes Longimanus to go up to Jerusalem
with as many of his people as were minded to
go with him. The commission granted him an
unlimited amount of treasure, to beautify the
house of God, to procure offerings for its
service, and to do whatever else might seem
good unto him. It empowered him to ordain
laws, set magistrates and judges, and execute