Page 59 - 09 The Seventy Weeks
P. 59
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 9 – The Seventy Weeks
hour,’ or from noon till three in the
afternoon, in its duration, and also in its time,
about full moon, when the moon could not
possibly eclipse the sun. The time it happened,
and the fact itself, are recorded in a curious
and valuable passage of a respectable Roman
Consul, Aurelius Cassiodorius Senator, about
A. D. 514: ‘In the consulate of Tiberius Caesar
Aug. V and AElius Sejanus (u. c. 784, A. D. 31),
our Lord Jesus Christ suffered, on the 8th of
the calends of April (25th of March), when
there happened such an eclipse of the sun as
was never before nor since.
“In this year, and in this day, agree also the
Council of Cesarea, A. D. 196 or 198, the
Alexandrian Chronicle, Maximus Monachus,
Nicephorus Constantinus, Cedrenus; and in
this year, but on different days, concur