Page 64 - 09 The Seventy Weeks
P. 64
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 9 – The Seventy Weeks
turned to the Gentiles harmonizes with that
date better than any other which has been
named. And the crucifixion in A. D. 31, in the
midst of the last week, is sustained by a mass
of testimony which cannot be easily
invalidated.” — Advent Herald.
From the facts above set forth, we see that,
reckoning the seventy weeks from the decree
given to Ezra in the seventh of Artaxerxes, B.
C. 457, there is the most perfect harmony
throughout. The important and definite
events of the manifestation of the Messiah at
his baptism, the commencement of his public
ministry, the crucifixion, and the turning away
from the Jews to the Gentiles, with the
proclamation of the new covenant, all come in
in their exact place, and like a bright galaxy of