Page 68 - 09 The Seventy Weeks
P. 68
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 9 – The Seventy Weeks
commenced in 457 B. C. and ended in A. D.
1844, provided the number is right, and
twenty-three hundred is the correct reading.
With this point established, there would seem
to be no room for further controversy. On this
point Dr. Hales remarks: —
“There is no number in the Bible whose
genuineness is better ascertained than that of
the 2300 days. It is found in all the printed
Hebrew editions, in all the MSS. of Kennicott
and De Rossi’s collations, and in all the ancient
versions, except the Vatican copy of the
Septuagint, which reads 2400, followed by
Symmachus; and some copies noticed by
Jerome, 2200, both evidently literal errors in
excess and defect, which compensate each
other and confirm the mean, 2300.” —
Chronology, Vol. II, p. 512.