Page 72 - 09 The Seventy Weeks
P. 72
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 9 – The Seventy Weeks
wildest dreamer could date them, it is still
true that the utmost limit to which they could
extend has gone by. They cannot possibly be
dated at any point which would bring their
termination so late as the present time. We
therefore say again, with not a misgiving as to
the truth of the assertion, nor a fear of its
successful contradiction, Those days have
The momentous declaration made by the
angel to Daniel, “Unto two thousand and three
hundred days, then shall the sanctuary be
cleansed,” is now explained. In our search for
the meaning of the sanctuary and its
cleansing, and the application of the time, we
have found not only that this subject can be
easily understood; but lo! the event is even
now in process of accomplishment, and is