Page 77 - 09 The Seventy Weeks
P. 77


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                           Chapter 9 – The Seventy Weeks
                   this  solemn work  has been  going forward.

               The light of the types, and the very nature of

               the  case,  forbid  that  it  should  be  of  long

               continuance.  John,  in  his  sublime  views  of

               heavenly  scenes,  saw  millions  of  attendants

               and assistants engaged with our Lord in his

               priestly  work.  Revelation  5.  And  so  the

               ministration  goes  forward.  It  ceases  not,  it

               delays  not,  and  it  must  soon  be  forever


               And  here  we  stand  —  the  last,  the  greatest,

               and the most solemn crisis in the history of

               our  race  immediately  impending;  the  great

               plan  of  salvation  about  finished;  the  last

               precious years of probation almost ended; the

               Lord  about  to  come  to  save  those  who  are

               ready  and  waiting,  and  to  cut  asunder  the

               careless  and  unbelieving;  and  the  world  —
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