Page 79 - 09 The Seventy Weeks
P. 79
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 9 – The Seventy Weeks
service in its second apartment, marks the
commencement of the sounding of the
seventh angel. Revelation 11:15, 19. The work
performed therein is the foundation of the
third message of Revelation 14, — the last
message of mercy to a perishing world. This
subject explains the great disappointment of
the Adventists in 1844, by showing that they
mistook the event to occur at the end of the
2300 days. It renders harmonious and clear
past prophetic fulfilments, which are
otherwise involved in impenetrable obscurity.
It gives a definite idea of the position and work
of our great High Priest, and brings out the
plan of salvation in its distinctive and
beautiful features. It reins us up, as no other
subject does, to the realities of the Judgment,
and shows the preparation we need to be able
to stand in the coming day. It shows us that we