Page 81 - 09 The Seventy Weeks
P. 81


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                           Chapter 9 – The Seventy Weeks

                   translated “most holy” are  םי ָֽ שָׁד ָָֽק                        שֶׁד ֹ֥ק (kodesh

               kodashim), the “holy of holies,” an expression

               which,  according  to  Gesenius,  applies  to  the

               most holy place in the sanctuary, and which in

               no instance is applied to a person, unless this

               passage be an exception.

               The Advent Shield, No. 1, p. 75, says: “And the

               last  event  of  the  seventy  weeks,  as

               enumerated in verse 24, was the anointing of

               the ‘most holy,’ or ‘the holy of holies,’ or the

               ‘sanctum sanctorum;’ not that which was on

               earth,  made  with  hands,  but  the  true

               tabernacle, into which Christ, our High Priest,

               is for us entered. Christ was to do in the true

               tabernacle in heaven what Moses and Aaron

               did in its pattern. (See Hebrews, chapters 6, 7,

               8,  and  9;  Exodus  30:22-30;  Leviticus  8:10-

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