Page 76 - 09 The Seventy Weeks
P. 76


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                           Chapter 9 – The Seventy Weeks
                   22:12. In the books of remembrance kept by

               the heavenly scribes above, every man’s deeds

               will  be  found  recorded  (Revelation  20:12);

               and  in  the  closing  sanctuary  work  these

               records  are  examined,  and  decision  is

               rendered in accordance therewith. Daniel 7:9,

               10. It would be most natural to suppose that

               the  work  would  commence  with  the  first

               members of the human race; that their cases

               would  be  first  examined,  and  decision

               rendered,  and  so  on  with  all  the  dead,

               generation  by  generation,  in  chronological

               succession  along  the  stream  of  time,  till  we

               reach the last generation, — the generation of

               the living with whose cases the work would

               close.  How  long  it  will  take  to  examine  the

               cases of all the dead, how soon the work will

               reach the cases of the living, no man can know.

               And as above remarked, since the year 1844,
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