Page 74 - 09 The Seventy Weeks
P. 74


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                           Chapter 9 – The Seventy Weeks
                   finished. Then the great scheme devised at

               the fall for the salvation of as many of the lost

               race  as  would  avail  themselves  of  its

               provisions,  and  carried  forward  for  six

               thousand  years,  is  brought  to  its  final

               termination. Mercy no longer pleads, and the

               great  voice  is  heard  from  the  throne  in  the

               temple  in  heaven,  saying,  “It  is  done.”

               Revelation 16:17. And what then? — All the

               righteous are safe for everlasting life; all the

               wicked are doomed to everlasting death. No

               decision  can  be  changed,  no  reward  can  be

               lost, and no destiny of despair can be averted,

               beyond that point.

               And we have seen (and this is what brings the

               solemnities of the Judgment to our own door)

               that that long prophetic period which was to

               mark the commencement of this final work in
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