Page 78 - 09 The Seventy Weeks
P. 78


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                           Chapter 9 – The Seventy Weeks
                   alas! what shall we say of them! — deceived

               with  error,  crazed  with  cares  and  business,

               delirious  with  pleasure,  and  paralyzed  with

               vice,  they  have  not  a  moment  to  spare  in

               listening  to  solemn  truth,  nor  a  thought  to

               bestow  upon  their  eternal  interests.  Let  the

               people of God, with eternity right in view, be

               careful to escape the corruption that is in the

               world through lust, and prepare to pass the

               searching test, when their cases shall come up

               for examination at the great tribunal above.

               To  the  careful  attention  of  every  student  of

               prophecy  we  commend  the  subject  of  the

               sanctuary. In the sanctuary is seen the ark of

               God’s testament, containing his holy law; and

               this suggests a reform in our obedience to that

               great standard of morality. The opening of this

               heavenly temple, or the commencement of the
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