Page 82 - 09 The Seventy Weeks
P. 82
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 9 – The Seventy Weeks
Dr. Barnes, in his notes on this passage, and
particularly on the words “most holy,” says:
“The phrase properly means ‘holy of holies,’ or
most holy; it is applied often in the Scriptures
to the inner sanctuary, or the portion of the
tabernacle and temple containing the ark of
the covenant, the two tables of stone, etc.” “It
is not necessarily limited to the inner
sanctuary of the temple, but may be applied to
the whole house.” “Others have supposed that
this refers to the Messiah himself, and that the
meaning is that he who was most holy would
then be consecrated, or anointed, as the
Messiah. It is probable, as Hengstenberg
(Christology, II, 321, 322) has shown, that the
Greek translators thus understood it, but it is
a sufficient objection to this that the phrase,
though occurring many times in the
Scriptures, is never applied to persons, unless