Page 35 - 07 Luther's Separation from Rome
P. 35

to their fury. God had a work for him to do,

               and  angels  of  heaven  were  sent  to  protect

               him. Many, however, who had received from

               Luther  the  precious  light  were  made  the

               objects  of  Satan's  wrath  and  for  the  truth's

               sake fearlessly suffered torture and death.

               Luther's  teachings  attracted the  attention  of

               thoughtful  minds  throughout  all  Germany.

               From his sermons and writings issued beams

               of  light  which  awakened  and  illuminated

               thousands. A living faith was taking the place

               of  the  dead  formalism  in  which  the  church

               had so long been held. The people were daily

               losing  confidence  in  the  superstitions  of

               Romanism.  The  barriers  of  prejudice  were

               giving  way.  The  word  of  God,  by  which

               Luther tested every doctrine and every claim,

               was like a two-edged sword, cutting its way

               to the hearts of the people. Everywhere there
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