Page 40 - 07 Luther's Separation from Rome
P. 40
entreated him to leave Wittenberg for a time
and find safety with those who would gladly
protect him. But he would not leave the
position where God had placed him. He must
continue faithfully to maintain the truth,
notwithstanding the storms that were
beating upon him. His language was: “I am
like Jeremiah, a man of strife and contention;
but the more their threats increase, the more
my joy is multiplied.... They have already
destroyed my honor and my reputation. One
single thing remains; it is my wretched body:
let them take it; they will thus shorten my life
by a few hours. But as for my soul, they
cannot take that. He who desires to proclaim
the word of Christ to the world, must expect
death at every moment.”—Ibid., b. 4, ch. 4.
The tidings of Luther's arrival at Augsburg
gave great satisfaction to the papal legate.