Page 37 - 07 Luther's Separation from Rome
P. 37
This arrangement was finally effected, and
the pope's legate was appointed to hear the
case. In the instructions communicated by
the pontiff to this official, it was stated that
Luther had already been declared a heretic.
The legate was therefore charged “to
prosecute and constrain without any delay.”
If he should remain steadfast, and the legate
should fail to gain possession of his person,
he was empowered “to proscribe him in
every part of Germany; to banish, curse, and
excommunicate all those who are attached to
him.”—Ibid., b. 4, ch. 2. And, further, the pope
directed his legate, in order entirely to root
out the pestilent heresy, to excommunicate
all, of whatever dignity in church or state,
except the emperor, who should neglect to
seize Luther and his adherents, and deliver
them up to the vengeance of Rome.