Page 18 - 19 Be Ye Separate
P. 18
Stephen N. Haskell
“Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
hand” Revelation 22:10.
In the United States, the formation of the
image to the beast, will place the unbounded
resources of this country in the hands of the
same power. Protestantism repudiates its
fundamental principles, the complete
separation of church and state, and performs
the works of the beast. Society, once
democratic throughout, is gradually
revolutionized in the formation of the image;
as it was done in the growth of the beast. The
distinction between the rich and the poor,
becomes more marked; the corporations and
trusts control the money, the produce, and the
laboring classes. Democracy gives way to a
king,-the coal king, the oil king, or the money
king. A few men dictate to the masses. The
independence once gained by war, is lost in