Page 16 - 04 A New Vision - The Heavenly Sanctuary
P. 16


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                             Chapter 4 – A New Vision: The Heavenly Sanctuary
                   Similar imagery is used in the first chapter

               of Ezekiel. The qualities which would seem to

               be  signified  by  the  emblems  are  strength,

               perseverance,  reason,  and  swiftness,  —

               strength of affection, perseverance in carrying

               out  the  requirements  of  duty,  reason  in

               comprehending the divine will, and swiftness

               in obeying. These living beings are even more

               intimately connected with the throne than are

               the four and twenty elders, being represented

               as in the midst of it, and round about it. Like

               the  elders, these,  in  their  song  to  the  Lamb,

               ascribe  to  him  praise  for  having  redeemed

               them from the earth. They therefore belong to

               the same company, and represent a part of the

               great  multitude,  who,  as  already  described

               (see remarks on verse 4), have been led up on

               high from the captivity of death. Concerning
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