Page 17 - 04 A New Vision - The Heavenly Sanctuary
P. 17
~The Response of History to the Revelation~
Chapter 4 – A New Vision: The Heavenly Sanctuary
the object of their redemption, see remarks
on chapter 5:8.
They Rest Not. — “Oh! happy unrest!”
beautifully exclaims John Wesley; and the
theme of their constant worship is, “Holy,
holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and
is, and is to come.” No sublimer strain ever
issued from created lips. And they repeat it
“day and night,” or continually, these terms
only denoting the manner in which time is
reckoned here; for there can be no night
where the throne of God is.
We mortals are apt to tire of the repetition of
the simple testimony we bear here to the
goodness and mercy of God; and we are
sometimes tempted to say nothing, because
we cannot continually say something new. But
may we not learn a profitable lesson from the