Page 19 - 04 A New Vision - The Heavenly Sanctuary
P. 19


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                             Chapter 4 – A New Vision: The Heavenly Sanctuary
                   So, even with us here, though remarks are

               often, repeated in reference to the goodness,

               the mercy, and the love of God, the value of his

               truth, and the attractions of the world to come,

               these should not grow stale upon the ear; for

               we  should  all  our  lives  be  rising  to  new

               conceptions  of  the  blessings  embraced  in

               these glorious themes.

               Concerning the expression, “which was, and is,

               and is to come,” see remarks on chapter 1:4.

               “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and

               honor  and  power.”  How  worthy,  we  never

               shall be able to realize till, like the holy beings

               who  utter  this  language,  changed  to

               immortality, we are presented faultless before

               the presence of his glory. Jude 24.

               Thou Hast Created All Things. — The works of

               creation furnish the foundation for the honor,
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