Page 4 - 02 The Seven Churches
P. 4


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                          Chapter 2 – The Seven Churches
                   messages  to  them,  should  be  regarded  as

               prophetic,  having  their  application  to  seven

               distinct  periods  covering  the  Christian  age,

               have  been  given  in  the  remarks  on  chapter

               1:4.  It  may  here  be  added  that  this  view  is

               neither new nor local. Benson quotes Bishop

               Newton as saying, “Many contend, and among

               them such learned men as More and Vitringa,

               that the seven epistles are prophetical of so

               many  successive  periods,  or  states,  of  the

               church, from the beginning to the conclusion

               of all.”

               Scott  says:  “Many  expositors  have  imagined

               that these epistles to the seven churches were

               mystical prophecies of seven distinct periods,

               into which the whole term, from the apostles’

               days  to  the  end  of  the  world,  would  be

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