Page 6 - 02 The Seven Churches
P. 6


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                          Chapter 2 – The Seven Churches
                   admonitions and exhortations were suitable

               for them.’ Vitringa has given a summary of the

               arguments which may be alleged in favor of

               this  interpretation.  Some  of  them  are

               ingenious,  but  they  are  not  now  considered

               sufficient to support such a theory. Gill is one

               of the principal of the English commentators

               who adopt this view, that ‘they are prophetical

               of the churches of Christ in the several periods

               of time until he appears again.’”

               It appears from the authors above cited, that

               what has led commentators of more modern

               times to discard the view of the prophetical

               nature of the messages to the seven churches,

               is the comparatively recent and unscriptural

               doctrine of the temporal millennium. The last

               state  of  the  church,  as  described  in  chapter

               3:15-17, was deemed to be incompatible with
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