Page 11 - 02 The Seven Churches
P. 11


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                          Chapter 2 – The Seven Churches
                   from them of the light and privileges of the

               gospel, and committing them to other hands,

               unless  they  should  better  fulfill  the

               responsibilities  of  the  trust  committed  to

               them.  But  it  may  be  asked  on  the  view  that

               these  messages  are  prophetic,  if  the

               candlestick  would  not  be  removed  anyway,

               whether they repented or not, as that church

               was succeeded by the next, to occupy the next

               period, and if this is not an objection against

               regarding  these  churches  as  prophetic.

               Answer: The expiration of the period covered

               by  any  church  is  not  the  removal  of  the

               candlestick  of  that  church.  The  removal  of

               their candlestick would be taking away from

               them privileges which they might and should

               longer enjoy. It would be the rejection of them

               on the part of Christ as his representatives, to

               bear the light of his truth and gospel before
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