Page 15 - 02 The Seven Churches
P. 15
~The Response of History to the Revelation~
Chapter 2 – The Seven Churches
is also used in relation to an important
prophetic fulfillment in Revelation 13:9.
The Promise to the Victor. — To the
overcomer it is promised that he shall eat of
the tree of life that grows in the midst of the
paradise, or garden, of God. Where is this
paradise? Answer: In the third heaven. Paul
writes, in 2 Corinthians 12:2, that he knew a
man (referring to himself) caught up to the
third heaven. In verse 4 he calls the same place
“paradise,” leaving only one conclusion to be
drawn, which is, that paradise is in the third
heaven. In this paradise, it seems, is the tree of
life. There is but one tree of life brought to
view in the Bible. It is mentioned six times,
three times in Genesis, and three times in the
Revelation; but it is used every time with the
definite article the. It is the tree of life in the