Page 16 - 02 The Seven Churches
P. 16


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                          Chapter 2 – The Seven Churches
                   first book of the Bible, the tree of life in the

               last;  the  tree  of  life  in  the  “paradise”

               (Septuagint) in Eden at the beginning, and the

               tree of life in the paradise of which John now

               speaks, in heaven above. But if there is but one

               tree, and that was at first upon earth, it may be

               asked how it has now come to be in heaven.

               And  the  answer  would  be  that  it  must  have

               been taken up, or translated, to the paradise

               above. There is no possible way that the same

               identical body which is situated in one place

               can  be  located  in  another,  but  by  being

               transported bodily thither. And that the tree

               of life and paradise have been removed from

               earth  to  heaven,  besides  the  necessary

               inference  from  this  argument,  there  is  very

               good reason to believe.
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