Page 7 - 02 The Seven Churches
P. 7


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                          Chapter 2 – The Seven Churches
                   the  glorious  state  of  things  which  would

               exist here on this earth for a thousand years,

               with all the world converted to God. Hence in

               this  case,  as  in  many  others,  the  more

               Scriptural view is made to yield to the more

               pleasing.  The  hearts  of  men,  as  in  ancient

               times, still love smooth things, and their ears

               are  ever  favorably  open  to  those  who  will

               prophesy peace.

               The first church named is Ephesus. According

               to the application here made, this would cover

               the first, or apostolic age of the church. The

               definition of the word Ephesus, is desirable,

               which may well be taken as a good descriptive

               term  of  the  character  and  condition  of  the

               church in its first state. Those early Christians

               had  received  the  doctrine  of  Christ  in  its

               purity.  They  enjoyed  the  benefits  and
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