Page 26 - 15 The Three Angels' Messages
P. 26


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               Babylon, the universal kingdom which offered

               the  worship  of  idols  for  the  worship  of

               Jehovah, is used by the Spirit to symbolize the

               churches, which, like the Jewish nation in the

               days of Christ, mix the philosophy of the world

               with the truth of God, and offer this wine to

               men  in  place  of  the  everlasting  Gospel.  The

               church which does this, realizes its inability to

               reach  the  souls  of  men,  and  unites  with  the

               state and attempts to compel the conscience.

               There  is  a  form  of  godliness,  but  no  power

               therein.  This  is  the  papacy  renewed,  the

               making of an image to the beast. “Babylon is

               fallen, is fallen,” said the angel. His message

               began in 1844, and will continue until there is

               no longer time in which to withdraw from the

               fated city. The message “is fallen, is fallen,” is
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