Page 22 - 15 The Three Angels' Messages
P. 22


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               The message went to the world; there was not

               a missionary station in the earth, where they

               did  not  hear  the  message,  “The  hour  of  His

               judgment is come.” Some may inquire, “Why

               was the message of Christ’s coming given at

               that time?” We may also ask, “Why did Christ

               permit  His  followers  to  escort  Him  into

               Jerusalem,  intending  to  crown  Him  as  King,

               when  He  knew  He  was  going  there  to  be

               crucified?” His followers fulfilled the prophecy

               of Zechariah 9:9. If they had known the truth

               they  could  not  have  given  the  shouts  of

               rejoicing that fulfilled the prophecy. Likewise,

               the  announcement  of  the  opening  of  the

               judgment was to be given with a loud voice to

               the  whole  world.  If  the  people  of  God  had
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