Page 23 - 15 The Three Angels' Messages
P. 23


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               understood all at first they would never have

               given the message with power.

               This  is  the  first  angel’s  message  of  the

               fourteenth chapter  of Revelation,  and it  will

               continue to sound till time shall close. In 1843

               and 1844 it swelled into the loud cry by the

               added  voice  of  the  angel  with  the  time

               message.  In  the  very  end  of  time,  when

               oppression  is  again  almost  unbearable,  just

               before  the  close  of  probation,  it  will  again

               swell  into  a  loud  cry.  In  the  meantime,  the

               message  of  the  first  angel  goes  steadily

               forward, and those whose ears are listening

               for a voice from heaven, will join in giving the

               everlasting Gospel.
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