Page 15 - 03c The Seven Churhces-Pergamos
P. 15
Stephen N. Haskell
“Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
hand” Revelation 22:10.
the power of God, the name which is known
only to the individual and his Redeemer.
Others may pronounce that name, it is true,
but its significance is a secret between Christ
and the individual. The one who receives it
has been guilty of idolatry and fornication, and
none other save his Lord can know the soul
experience which brought the new name.
Once it was Jacob, supplanter. None but the
bearer knew how applicable was the name.
Every time it was pronounced by friend or foe,
it was an open rebuke from God. And when at
the close of the night of wrestling, the angel
said, “Thy name shall be called no more Jacob,
but Israel”-a prince of God,-none but Israel
knew the depth of meaning in that new name.