Page 10 - 03c The Seven Churhces-Pergamos
P. 10
Stephen N. Haskell
“Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
hand” Revelation 22:10.
teachings of Christ with the philosophy of the
Greeks. If this doctrine had not been accepted
in the church which claimed to be following
the Saviour; if the children and the young
people had been fed on truth instead of the
mixture of good and evil, as represented by
the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, the church
would never have fallen. The message to
Pergamos applies in the fourth and fifth
centuries; it has also been the experience of
each separate Protestant denomination, and it
is a warning to all churches to the end of time.
Any interpretation of this period that does not
correspond with the history of Balaam is not
according to the mind of the Lord, for God has
given Balaam’s history as a test by which we
may know the true interpretation.