Page 9 - 03c The Seven Churhces-Pergamos
P. 9


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               The church between 312 and 538 a. d. joined

               hands  with  the  civil  power.  It  took  of  the

               wealth  of  the  State,  and  asked  for  civil

               protection. Then it was that the spiritual sins

               of  idolatry  and  fornication  were  introduced.

               Idolatry was the love of money, the world, and

               all false worship which took the place of the

               worship  of  Jehovah.  It  is  fornication  in  the

               eyes of God when His people are wedded to

               any power save the arm of Omnipotence.

               If  ancient  Israel  had  remained  true  to  the

               teachings of  their  leader, the  temptations  of

               the Moabites would have fallen on deaf ears.

               The same is true of the church to which all this

               history is sent as an allegory. The doctrine of

               the  Nicolaitanes,  as  described  under  the

               church of Ephesus, was a mingling of the pure
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