Page 8 - 09 The Trumpets
P. 8
Stephen N. Haskell
“Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
hand” Revelation 22:10.
The prophet on Patmos was given a threefold
view of events which would take place
between the time in which he lived, and the
time when the redeemed gather about the
throne. The messages to the seven churches
are ecclesiastical history, showing the spread
of the religion of Jesus Christ, and the errors
which crept in. The seven seals reveal the
inner workings of the church,-the individual
experience-and foretell the signs of Christ’s
coming. In the messages to the churches,
Christ was seen as the Light walking in their
midst: in the seals, He is the Lamb who was
slain that man might live. Another phase of
history, not wholly national, but having to do
with nations, is revealed in the sounding of the
trumpets. The sounding of the seven trumpets