Page 11 - 09 The Trumpets
P. 11


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               entered the presence of Jehovah, bearing the

               sins of the people, and carrying with him their

               prayers. These prayers were acceptable with

               God  because  offered  by  faith  in  the

               righteousness  of  Christ.  So  in  the  heavenly

               court,  God  is  enthroned  and  Christ  stands

               before Him in behalf of His people. He pleads

               His  own  righteousness  which  is  acceptable

               with  God.  There  is  an  inexhaustible  fund  of

               perfect  obedience,  which  is  the  “much

               incense”  which  He  offers.  This  “perfect

               obedience,”  or  righteousness,  meets  every

               need, covers every case. As He was tempted in

               all  points, yet  yielded  in none,  so  where  sin

               abounds grace more than meets the need.

               The offering which the High Priest makes, is

               the prayers of all saints. From the time of the
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