Page 14 - 09 The Trumpets
P. 14


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               Thus  John  sees  Christ  pleading  for  sinners,

               while the sealing work is going on in the earth.

               When  the  angel  returns  to  heaven  with  the

               message  that  all  are  sealed,  Christ  casts  the

               censer to the earth, and the thunderings, the

               lightnings, and the earthquake, proclaim that

               the end is at hand. Having seen Christ as man’s

               intercessor,  John  follows  the  work  of  the

               seven angels which had the seven trumpets.

               Belief in the imputed righteousness of Christ,

               is the only means of salvation for man. Self-

               righteousness  was  the  cause  of  Satan’s  fall,

               and it has ever been the studied plan of his

               satanic majesty to lead men from faith in the

               righteousness of Christ to a faith in their own

               works.               When               this           is        accomplished,

               destruction is inevitable. To an individual this
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