Page 17 - 10 Daniel's Last Vision
P. 17
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 10 – Daniel’s Last Vision
movements within. Daniel prays. The
Creator of the universe hears, The command
is issued to Gabriel to go to his relief. But the
king of Persia must act before Daniel’s prayer
is answered; and the angel hastens to the
Persian king. Satan no doubt musters his
forces to oppose. They meet in the royal
palace of Persia. All the motives of selfish
interest and worldly policy which Satan can
play upon, he doubtless uses to the best
advantage to influence the king against
compliance with God’s will, while Gabriel
brings to bear his influence in the other
direction. The king struggles between
conflicting emotions. He hesitates; he delays.
Day after day passes away; yet Daniel prays
on. The king still refuses to yield to the
influence of the angel; three weeks expire, and
lo! a mightier than Gabriel takes his place in