Page 20 - 10 Daniel's Last Vision
P. 20


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                          Chapter 10 – Daniel’s Last Vision
                   last  verse  of  Daniel  10,  he  is  called  “your

               prince,”  and  in  the  first  of  chapter  12,  “the

               great prince which standeth for the children of

               thy           people,”               expressions                    which              can

               appropriately be applied to Christ, but to no

               other being.

               VERSE  14.  Now  I  am  come  to  make  thee

               understand what shall befall thy people in the

               latter days: for yet the vision is for many days.

               The  expression  “yet  the  vision  is  for  many

               days,”  reaching  far  into  the  future,  and

               embracing  what  should  befall  the  people  of

               God  even  in  the  latter  days,  shows

               conclusively that the days given in that vision,

               namely  the  2300,  cannot  mean  literal  days,

               but must be days of years. (See on chapter 9,

               verses 25-27.)
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