Page 23 - 10 Daniel's Last Vision
P. 23
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 10 – Daniel’s Last Vision
holdeth with me in these things, but Michael
your prince.
The prophet is at length strengthened to hear
in full the communication which the angel has
to make. And Gabriel says, “Knowest thou
wherefore I come unto thee?” That is, do you
now know to what end I have come? Do you
understand my purpose so that you will no
more fear? He then announced his intention to
return, as soon as his communication was
complete, to fight with the king of Persia. The
word with is, in the Septuagint, meta, and
signifies, not against; but in common with,
along-side of; that is, the angel of God would
stand on the side of the Persian kingdom so
long as it was in the providence of God that
that kingdom should continue. “But when I am
gone forth,” continues Gabriel, “lo, the prince