Page 24 - 10 Daniel's Last Vision
P. 24
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 10 – Daniel’s Last Vision
of Grecia shall come.” That is, when he
withdraws his support from that kingdom,
and the providence of God operates in behalf
of another kingdom, the prince of Grecia shall
come, and the Persian monarchy be
Gabriel then announced that none — God of
course excepted — had an understanding
with him in the matters he was about to
communicate except Michael the prince. And
after he had made them known to Daniel, then
there were four beings in the universe with
whom rested a knowledge of these important
truths, — Daniel, Gabriel, Christ, and God.
Four links in this ascending chain of
witnesses, — the first, Daniel, a member of the
human family; the last, Jehovah, the God of all!