Page 12 - 10 Daniel's Last Vision
P. 12


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                          Chapter 10 – Daniel’s Last Vision
                   Daniel  that  he  is  a  man  greatly  beloved.

               Wonderful  declaration!  a  member  of  the

               human family, one of the same race with us,

               loved,  not  merely  in  the  general  sense  in

               which  God  loved  the  whole  world  when  he

               gave his Son to die for them, but loved as an

               individual,  and  that  greatly!  Well  might  the

               prophet  receive  confidence  from  such  a

               declaration  as  that,  to  stand  even  in  the

               presence  of  Gabriel.  He  tells  him,  moreover,

               that he is come for the purpose of an interview

               with him, and he wishes him to bring his mind

               into a proper state to understand his words.

               Being  thus  addressed,  the  holy  and  beloved

               prophet,  assured,  but  yet  trembling,  stood

               before the heavenly angel.

               “Fear not, Daniel,” continues Gabriel. He had

               no occasion to fear before one, even though a
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