Page 8 - 10 Daniel's Last Vision
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~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 10 – Daniel’s Last Vision
A most majestic personage visited Daniel on
this occasion. The description of him is almost
parallel to that given of Christ in the
Revelation 1:14-16; and the effect of his
presence was about such as was experienced
by Paul and his companions when the Lord
met them on their way to Damascus. Acts 9:1-
7. But this was not the Lord; for the Lord is
introduced as Michael in verse 13. It must
therefore have been an angel, but one of no
ordinary character. The inquiry then arises, Of
what angel can such a description be
truthfully given? There are some points of
identity between this and other passages
which plainly show that this was the angel
Gabriel. In chapter 8:16 Gabriel is introduced
by name. His interview with Daniel at that
time produced exactly the same effect upon
the prophet as that described in the passage